California is blessed with perfect climate and soil and access to water to grow many different and important food and fiber crops. In this District we grow citrus, grapes, nuts, olives, dairy, silage, berries, cotton, and more.

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Water is needed to help plants grow. This water is developed high in the mountains as snow and rain, stored in reservoirs and delivered over the growing season to farmers to grow food we need to eat. Farmers also pump groundwater when there is less water from the mountains or stored in the reservoirs that can be delivered to them through canals and pipelines..


Crop Report Pie Chart

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Exchange Contract

The USBR  has acquired the rights to all river water on the San Joaquin River. It holds or reserves water for several individuals on the SJR. 840 thousand AF of water is reserved for the use of the Exchange Contractors. This water is delivered to them from the San Joaquin Delta (Sacramento River system) and their water from the San Joaquin River system is delivered to Federal Contractors in the Friant Service Area including Lindmore ID.

Did you know?  Tulare County is the largest agricultural producing county in the entire nation.  Also, agriculture is the largest private employer in the county.

Federal Water Contract

Lindmore Irrigation District has a perpetual water contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). This water is developed in the San Joaquin River (SJR) and delivered from Millerton Reservoir (Friant Dam, Friant CA), down the Friant-Kern Canal to pipes owned and operated by the District. This water then flows to the District's member growers.

Top Ten Tulare County Crops in 2015

1. Milk

$1.7 billion

2. Cattle and Calves
$941 million

3. Oranges:

$819 million

4. Grapes

$643 million

5. Almond Meats & Hulls
$322 million
6. Tangerines Fresh
$302 million
7. Corn - Grain & Silage
$282 million

8. Silage - Small Grain
$224 million

9. Pistachio Nuts
$208 million
10. Walnuts
$197 million

Stay Informed

What Gets Lindmore ID's Water

How Lindmore ID Gets Water