REGULAR Board Meeting:

      October 8, 2024: Meeting Packet

​                                          FY2025 Proposed Budget

Board Room

To Transfer Allocation back to the District Pool fill out form & return to the District Office prior to July 31, click here for the

2024 Water Transfer form

Prior Adopted Board Meeting Minutes   

       2023 Minutes

       2022 Minutes  2021 Minutes   2020 Minutes 

       2019 Minutes   2018 Minutes   2017 Minutes   

       2016 Minutes    2015 Minutes   2014 Minutes

 For prior year minutes, please contact us

1.00 AF/ac.minimum
1.30 AF/ac.minimum



1.30 AF/ac.minimum

1.10 AF/ac.minimum

​​Federal initial Allocation WY2024 is 100% of Lindmore ID Class 1 supply and 5% Class 2 supply.


  • What makes up our rate?  (Assuming we deliver 40,000 acre feet of water)

    -  Fixed Costs (Friant O&M, Exchange Contractor Water Costs, Water Legal Defense, Bond Service, etc.)  $43.18 Acre/Foot

    -  USBR cost of water $46.56 Acre/Foot

    -  Delivery (Admin., O&M) $41.96 Acre/Foot

  • Why is our rate higher than in the past?

​    - The amount of water we deliver impacts the rate of water more than anything else.  (The less water we can deliver, the higher the rate.)

    - USBR and Friant Water Authority costs have gone up.

    - District costs have stayed relatively stable over the last 10 years.


  • What factors have impacted the District's allocation from the USBR? 

    - The USBR decided to release water from Millerton to meet the demands of the Exchange Contractors, putting the security of our supply in jeopardy.

    - An apparent warming and drop in elevation for moisture patterns has negatively impacted the amount of water collected in watersheds.

    - A 1986 law suit required the District in 2010 to release 18% of it's water supply to restore the San Joaquin Salmon fishery.​  Settlement


  • What were the pro-rates for the last five years?

  • How will the District prepare for future variations in USBR water supply?  

    - The District began searching for and working with other agencies to find places to percolate wet year water supply.

    - We plan to develop groundwater banking.

    - We intend to find additional supplies.

    - We also plan to improve our supply foundation through legislation. 

  .30 AF/ac.minimum




Lindmore Irrigation


2024 Adopted Board Meeting Minutes​​

January 9, 2024         May 14, 2024

February 13, 2024     June 11, 2024

February 20, 2024     July 9, 2024

February 27, 2024      August 13, 2024

March 12, 2024           Sept 10, 2024

April 9, 2024

Click here to view latest District Rules and Regulations

adopted February 21, 2019.


​​​​​​​For Lindmore ID's Monthly Delivery Report and Friant's Weekly Water Report visit our

Stay Informed Page